We manufacture individual sneakers for you with your logo or desired motif – handmade in Spain!
All shoes are handmade and produced entirely in Spain. Thanks to 40 years of experience in the manufacture of shoes and high-quality materials, the sneakers are of very high quality. They are made from a wide variety of materials such as nappa or suede leather, nylon or cotton. Of course, we prefer to use sustainable materials such as recycled cotton, recycled nylon or vegan imitation leather to meet our sustainability standards.
Choose from 7 different basic models and have them embellished with embroidery, leather cut, sublimation printing and/or laser engraving in your company colors and with your logo. We also offer laces and shoe boxes in your own design. And if you want to complete the outfit, simply have us design and produce socks in your corporate look.
Use customized sneakers with a logo for a uniform look for your team, as a gift for your employees or sell them in your own online store.
All you have to do is buy 40 pairs of your dream sneakers and after 8 weeks you will have these very special sneakers in your hands.