STANLEY/STELLA is an innovative Belgian clothing company that produces quality clothing for printing and finishing. Their aim is to create a seamlessly sustainable supply chain, although STANLEY/STELLA is aware that this will be a long and rocky road ahead.
“This sustainability report provides information about our measures to improve our supply chain and reduce our environmental footprint, as well as our commitment to bringing about change. Changes for a more intact planet and happier people. We are pleased to announce our ambitious plans for the future: We are committed to paying workers in our CMT factories a living wage by 2025 and becoming climate positive by 2030 or even sooner! We “say what we do and do what we say” because we are convinced that sustainability is first and foremost a question of transparency. On the following pages you will find a summary of our key achievements and the actions we take every day to ensure ethical, responsible and sustainable production.”
Jean Chabert, founder and CEO of Stanley/Stella
We are proud to now include Stanley and Stella in our sustainable range and online shop. online shop online shop!